Even though we’re texting each other more, there’s still room for email in the world.

In fact, email marketing should still be considered an essential part of any overall campaign – not only will you have more space for more creative words to persuade your audience, but email is very easy to track.

The only challenge is that today’s email marketing isn’t like it was a decade ago. As consumers, we feel like we have less time to read and we also consider ourselves savvier in what is genuine vs. more spam.

So that’s why you need to not only create useful emails but make sure people open them.

Try some of these email marketing strategies for things to do and to avoid.

  • Create an honest header. Make sure your header is accurate but not spammy. Common keywords may even trigger automatic email filters to send to a spam folder so the end-user may not even see it.
  • Make it conversational. Email by nature is more formal than abbreviations used in texting. But you don’t have to be stiff, formal and business-focused. Instead, be casual and friendly especially if you have more space to present your information.
  • More room for graphics. Email templates can easily include clip art, photos or animated gifs. These fun items can break up long text blocks, provide amusement and prove a point without using so many words.
  • Think mobile. A big mistake some make in continuing to develop marketing is focusing only on desktop audiences.  This was pretty much the standard behavior and best practices for years, so old habits die hard. Instead, make sure your message can be seen on any platform, especially mobile. This is the more common method to read emails and interact with the world digitally.

Give a reason for the email. Although business is encouraged to be friendly and casual on social media and can get away by just saying “Hi!” email is considered more of an opportunity to share something specific and exciting.

For more digital strategies visit Checklist Media.