All posts by: Checklist Media

Analyzing data is a vital part of running a successful business in the current day and age. When you use the right metrics, you can look at crucial data sets and use the information gained to make important adjustments to...
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A well-crafted design can be important in a lot of different fields, but it becomes especially crucial for the look and appeal of your business. After all, you can market your product or service online to the best of your...
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When you think of your favorite brand, you’re more than likely going to imagine the logo of the company, the design colors of the business, or maybe even the character or mascot that’s represented in the advertising. Whatever aspect of...
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Running a successful business means appealing to as many customers as possible to effectively boost profits and keep production flowing. For this reason, it’s important to find avenues of inviting and retaining a wide audience through your company, or rather,...
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Email marketing is a powerful and often underappreciated form of outreach. For a long time, it was the top choice for many brands. However, social media and some other trendy channels have caused email to take a backseat. This is...
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Many marketers couldn’t imagine running a campaign without first creating their analytic strategy. Analytics are incredibly valuable for optimizing campaign performance and driving profit. However, the field of analytics remains dynamic. New products and platforms require shifts to the analytic...
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Lead generation is important to your business. New clients are the lifeblood of any organization. You might be wondering how you can create a steady stream of new leads easily through your website. Here are the top three tips for...
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Most marketing experts agree that PPC – pay per click advertising – is an extremely effective way to get more traffic to your website. The idea behind PPC is simple. You create ads featuring specific keywords. When someone clicks on...
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Content marketing can seem like a never-ending grind. With over 4 million blog posts published every day, it can feel like your efforts are just one grain of sand on the beach, too small to be noticed. The solution is...
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Are you searching for effective ways to improve your site’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs)? If so, you may need to focus on improving your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. Keep reading for some practical and effective ways...
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